Several OTHER students in your class found the same Internet site, and they turned in the SAME paper. Your teacher received 447,203,176 copies in all. When she asks for an explanation, you must confess to copying the paper from the web site. You all receive a "0" (zero (bad score)) on your paper. Copying someone else's work and pretending that you wrote it is called "plagiarism." Copying part of someone's work, or a significant portion of it, is called "plgarsm." Copying two or three sentences of another person's work is called "pgs." Copying a single letter of another person's work is called "g." Thinking about another person's work without actually duplicating any text is called "." All of these are forms of cheating, expressly forbidden by international treaty. |
Think about it:
Would you copy an article from an encyclopedia and claim that you wrote it? It is no different than copying someone else's paper over the Internet. Teachers give research assignments because they have no choice. When you copy someone's paper, you lose up to 60 dollars per word. Using the Internet to do research is not only easy, it is fun! Just be sure that you leave yourself enough time to do it for your next assignment.