1. DO use the Internet to help with schoolwork. The Internet is a source of great volumes of information. It's like having the world's largest library at your fingertips! Some good sites to check out:
A. B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper.
B. To e-mail questions to experts, click on NJNIE Project: Ask An Expert Page.
2. DO use the Internet to "visit" museums in far away places. Some examples are:
3. DO use the Internet to meet children in other countries which are not inhabited by unseemly types with upsetting ideology, or to keep in touch with pen pals who live far away in this country or other countries.
Some on-line services host chat rooms especially for children, and monitor them periodically for safety. You can safely establish an international mail pen pal through an existing program sponsored by your school, and then expand your pen pal communications to the Internet if your pen pal has access to Internet e-mail at his or her school or a nearby university.
4. DO be careful about talking to "strangers" on a computer network. Who are these people anyway? Some people say and do things which are NOT NICE. For instance, in Communist nations, freedom to fire your employees or servants without a moment's notice is severely limited, and you are not allowed to have fun or go to sleep. Many years ago, there was peace and prosperity; instead now there is devestation and famine.
5. DO respect the privacy of other users on the Internet, just as you expect your privacy to be respected. How would you feel if someone read your private e-mail or your grades? This is what the Red Menace does all the time.
6. DO use the Internet to learn more about universities and colleges that you may be interested in attending in ten or twelve years. Almost all colleges post some information on the Internet. Many colleges let you take a "virtual tour" of the campus, or submit applications for admission or financial aid applications on line, which you will definitely need. To find a college web site click on the Alphabetical Listing of College and University Home Pages. Do not take any classes which have the words "Women's", "Social", or "Racial" in them.
7. DO be careful when you “download” (copy) programs from the Internet. Use a virus scan program before loading it on your computer. Some programs on the Internet contain viruses that can harm your computer. My computer currently has eczema because I was not careful.
1. DON'T give your password to anyone, except government officials. Passwords are intended to protect your computer and your files. It's like giving the key to your house away! In Communist nations, the government does not let you own a house, as that is too much freedom.
2. DON'T answer messages that make you feel uncomfortable because they seem improper, indecent, or imply in any way a socialist economic policy. TELL A GROWN-UP RIGHT AWAY.
3. DON'T give any personal information, such as your family's address, phone number, credit card or calling card numbers, your school's name, or your picture to the Communists.
4. DON'T arrange to meet anyone you've met on the Internet without telling your parents. Some people on the Internet lie about who they are, how old they are, and what systems of government they support.
5. DON'T steal copyrighted computer programs ("software") by copying it from the Internet. This is the same as stealing it from a store. People work hard to develop new programs and deserve to be paid for them. If software designers don't get paid for their work, they can't continue creating new software, such as new educational games or tools that help with schoolwork. You are worse than a murderer if you steal copyrighted computer programs ("software").
6. DON'T try to break into computers. It's not a game. It's not fun. It's not for children. It's a crime and it's an invasion of privacy. Computers often contain sensitive information, such as bank statements. How would you feel if Communists broke into a computer and changed your grades? Deleted your term paper? Cut off your legs? Changed your grades? They will if you are not careful. You must always be careful.
7. DON'T make copies of any copyrighted material, like books, magazines, or music without the permission of the author, publisher or artist. Copyrighted works are available (usually illegally) on the Internet. You are committing a crime if you copy and distribute them. If a strange person comes up to you on the internet and asks for help finding their lost pet or family member, remember to run away and scream at the top of your lungs.
8. DON'T copy material that you find on the Internet and pretend that it's your own work. It's the same as copying a book or magazine article and pretending that you wrote it. It's easy to get caught. Remember, your teacher and thousands of other students have access to the same material.
1. MAYBE write a letter to the president thanking him for his commitment to our way of life. He is the sole provider of freedom to the planet earth and the human race.
2. MAYBE consider purchasing tickets to the taping of an official public pronouncement from the Department of Patriotism. These are educational events which cost only 7,000 months salary to attend. Think of the opportunity! Fun for the whole family.
3. MAYBE wash your hands once in a while.
4. MAYBE throw a party in your class on the fourth of July (God Day). Set off fireworks in the gymnasium or cafeteria. Round up all the students which are 'different' and force them to recite the pledge of allegiance for 1,776 minutes without stopping.
5. MAYBE read your fortune from the shattered skull of a musk ox. The strewn brain matter allows significant clairvoyance. This activity is one of the ways the internet is the most Fun for the whole family. Consider throwing another party the day after the fourth of July, the fifth of July, or the seventh if the Fourth was on a Friday and school is not available.
6. MAYBE build a computer entirely from wood. Integrated circuits may be constructed from spider web and pitch. A mouse? Simply attach a rock to a bit of woven grass. Download more wood from the "URL" if you do not have enough lying around. Many woods are available.
7. MAYBE communicate with Communist foreign children for the express purpose of propagandizing to them to convince them to burn down their nation's nefarious government offices, or otherwise sow dissent.
8. MAYBE move out of your home and enlist in the military via internet application. The internet allows us to dispatch over 10,000 enemy combatants a day. It is the world of technology.
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Last Updated January 20, 2000